
Module Contents


mate(mating_pop, individuals: list, params, crossover_type=None, mutation_type=None)

Swap nodes between two partners and mutate based on standard deviation.

desdeo_emo.recombination.evonn_xover_mutation.mate(mating_pop, individuals: list, params, crossover_type=None, mutation_type=None)[source]

Swap nodes between two partners and mutate based on standard deviation.

  • mating_pop (list) – List of indices of individuals to mate. If None, choose from population randomly. Each entry should contain two indices, one for each parent.

  • individuals (list) – List of all individuals.

  • params (dict) – Parameters for evolution. If None, use defaults.


offspring – The offsprings produced as a result of crossover and mutation.

Return type


class desdeo_emo.recombination.evonn_xover_mutation.EvoNNRecombination(evolver: BaseEA, ProC: float = 0.8, ProM: float = 0.3, mutation_strength: float = 1.0, mutation_type: str = 'gaussian')[source]
do(self, pop, mating_pop_ids: list = None)[source]