Source code for desdeo_emo.population.Population_old

from import Sequence

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygmo import fast_non_dominated_sorting as nds
from pygmo import hypervolume as hv
from pygmo import non_dominated_front_2d as nd2

from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_notebook

from pyrvea.Population.create_individuals import create_new_individuals

import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go

from pyrvea.OtherTools.plotlyanimate import animate_init_, animate_next_
from pyrvea.OtherTools.IsNotebook import IsNotebook
from pyrvea.Recombination import (

from desdeo_problem import MOProblem

[docs]class Population: """Define the population.""" def __init__( self, problem: MOProblem, assign_type: str = "RandomDesign", pop_size=None, recombination_type=None, crossover_type="simulated_binary_crossover", mutation_type="bounded_polynomial_mutation", *args ): """Initialize the population. Parameters ---------- problem : BaseProblem An object of the class Problem assign_type : str, optional Define the method of creation of population. If 'assign_type' is 'RandomDesign' the population is generated randomly. If 'assign_type' is 'LHSDesign', the population is generated via Latin Hypercube Sampling. If 'assign_type' is 'custom', the population is imported from file. If assign_type is 'empty', create blank population. 'EvoNN' and 'EvoDN2' will create neural networks or deep neural networks, respectively, for population . plotting : bool, optional (the default is True, which creates the plots) pop_size : int Population size recombination_type, crossover_type, mutation_type : str Recombination functions. If recombination_type is specified, crossover and mutation will be handled by the same function. If None, they are done separately. """ self.assign_type = assign_type self.num_var = problem.n_of_variables self.lower_limits = np.asarray(problem.get_variable_lower_bounds()) self.upper_limits = np.asarray(problem.get_variable_upper_bounds()) self.hyp = 0 self.non_dom = 0 self.pop_size = pop_size # Fix to remove the following assumptions self.recombination_funcs = { "biogp_xover": biogp_xover, "biogp_mut": biogp_mutation, "evodn2_xover_mutation": evodn2_xover_mutation, "evonn_xover_mutation": evonn_xover_mutation, "bounded_polynomial_mutation": bounded_polynomial_mutation, "simulated_binary_crossover": simulated_binary_crossover, } self.crossover_type = crossover_type self.mutation_type = mutation_type self.recombination = self.recombination_funcs.get(recombination_type, None) if recombination_type is None: self.crossover = self.recombination_funcs.get(crossover_type, None) self.mutation = self.recombination_funcs.get(mutation_type, None) self.problem = problem self.filename = ( + "_" + str(problem.n_of_objectives) ) # Used for plotting self.plotting = plotting self.individuals = [] self.objectives = np.empty((0, self.problem.n_of_objectives), float) if problem.minimize is not None: = self.objectives[:, self.problem.minimize] self.ideal_fitness = np.full((1,[1]), np.inf) self.worst_fitness = -1 * self.ideal_fitness else: = np.empty((0, self.problem.num_of_objectives), float) self.ideal_fitness = np.full((1, self.problem.num_of_objectives), np.inf) self.worst_fitness = -1 * self.ideal_fitness self.constraint_violation = np.empty( (0, self.problem.num_of_constraints), float ) self.archive = pd.DataFrame( columns=["generation", "decision_variables", "objective_values"] ) if not assign_type == "empty": individuals = create_new_individuals( assign_type, problem, pop_size=self.pop_size ) self.add(individuals) if self.plotting: self.figure = [] self.plot_init_()
[docs] def add(self, new_pop: list): """Evaluate and add individuals to the population. Update ideal and nadir point. Parameters ---------- new_pop: list Decision variable values for new population. """ for i in range(len(new_pop)): self.append_individual(new_pop[i]) self.update_ideal_and_nadir()
[docs] def append_individual(self, ind: np.ndarray): """Evaluate and add individual to the population. Parameters ---------- ind: np.ndarray """ self.individuals.append(ind) obj, CV, fitness = self.evaluate_individual(ind) self.objectives = np.vstack((self.objectives, obj)) self.constraint_violation = np.vstack((self.constraint_violation, CV)) = np.vstack((, fitness))
[docs] def evaluate_individual(self, ind: np.ndarray): """Evaluate individual. Returns objective values, constraint violation, and fitness. Parameters ---------- ind: np.ndarray """ obj = self.problem.objectives(ind) CV = np.empty((0, self.problem.num_of_constraints), float) fitness = self.eval_fitness(obj) if self.problem.num_of_constraints: CV = self.problem.constraints(ind, obj) fitness = self.eval_fitness(obj) return obj, CV, fitness
[docs] def eval_fitness(self, obj): """ Calculate fitness based on objective values. Fitness = obj if minimized. """ # fitness = self.objectives * self.problem.objs if self.problem.minimize is None: self.problem.minimize = [True] * self.problem.num_of_objectives else: assert len(self.problem.minimize) == self.problem.num_of_objectives fitness = np.asarray(obj)[np.asarray(self.problem.minimize)] return fitness
[docs] def update_fitness(self): """Include or exclude objectives from fitness calculation. Problem.minimize should be a list of booleans of same length as the number of objectives. """ = self.objectives[:, self.problem.minimize] self.ideal_fitness = np.full((1,[1]), np.inf) self.worst_fitness = -1 * self.ideal_fitness self.update_ideal_and_nadir()
[docs] def delete(self, indices, preserve=False): """Remove from population individuals which are in indices if preserve=False, otherwise preserve them and remove all others. Parameters ---------- indices: array_like Indices of individuals to keep or delete. preserve: bool Whether to delete individuals at indices from current population, or preserve them and delete others. """ mask = np.ones(len(self.individuals), dtype=bool) mask[indices] = False new_pop = np.array(self.individuals)[mask] deleted_pop = np.array(self.individuals)[~mask] new_obj = self.objectives[mask] deleted_obj = self.objectives[~mask] new_fitness =[mask] deleted_fitness =[~mask] if len(self.constraint_violation) > 0: new_cv = self.constraint_violation[mask] deleted_cv = self.constraint_violation[~mask] else: deleted_cv = self.constraint_violation new_cv = self.constraint_violation if not preserve: self.individuals = list(new_pop) self.objectives = new_obj = new_fitness self.constraint_violation = new_cv else: self.individuals = list(deleted_pop) self.objectives = deleted_obj = deleted_fitness self.constraint_violation = deleted_cv
[docs] def evolve(self, EA: "BaseEA" = None, ea_parameters: dict = None): """Evolve the population with interruptions. Evolves the population based on the EA sent by the user. Parameters ---------- EA: "BaseEA" Should be a derivative of BaseEA (Default value = None) ea_parameters: dict Contains the parameters needed by EA (Default value = None) """ ################################## # To determine whether running in console or in notebook. Used for TQDM. # TQDM will be removed in future generations as number of iterations can vary if IsNotebook(): progressbar = tqdm_notebook else: progressbar = tqdm #################################### # A basic evolution cycle. Will be updated to optimize() in future versions. ea = EA(self, ea_parameters) iterations = ea.params["iterations"] if self.plotting: self.plot_objectives() # Figure was created in init for i in progressbar(range(iterations), desc="Iteration"): ea._run_interruption(self) ea._next_iteration(self) if self.plotting: self.plot_objectives()
[docs] def mate(self, mating_pop=None, params=None): """Conduct crossover and mutation over the population. """ if self.recombination is not None: offspring = self.recombination.mate( mating_pop, self.individuals, params, crossover_type=self.crossover_type, mutation_type=self.mutation_type, ) else: offspring = self.crossover.mate(mating_pop, self.individuals, params) self.mutation.mutate( offspring, self.individuals, params, self.lower_limits, self.upper_limits, ) return offspring
[docs] def plot_init_(self): """Initialize animation object. Return figure""" obj = self.objectives self.figure = animate_init_(obj, self.filename + ".html") return self.figure
[docs] def plot_objectives(self, iteration: int = None): """Plot the objective values of individuals. Parameters ---------- iteration: int Iteration count. """ obj = self.objectives self.figure = animate_next_( obj, self.figure, self.filename + ".html", iteration
[docs] def plot_pareto(self, name, show_all=False): """Plot the pareto front. REMOVE THIS IN THE FUTURE. Parameters ---------- name : str Name to append to the plot filename. show_all : bool Show all solutions, including those not on the pareto front. """ if name is None: name = ndf = self.non_dominated() # pareto = self.objectives[ndf][self.objectives[ndf].min(axis=1) >= 0, :] pareto = self.objectives[ndf] pareto_pop = np.asarray(self.individuals)[ndf].tolist() for idx, x in enumerate(pareto_pop): for i, y in enumerate(x): x[i] = "x" + str(i + 1) + ": " + str(y) + "<br>" x.insert(0, "Model " + str(idx)) trace0 = go.Scatter( x=pareto[:, 0], y=pareto[:, 1], text=pareto_pop, hoverinfo="text", mode="markers+lines", ) if show_all: trace1 = go.Scatter( x=self.objectives[:, 0], y=self.objectives[:, 1], mode="markers" ) data = [trace0, trace1] else: data = [trace0] layout = go.Layout(xaxis=dict(title="f1"), yaxis=dict(title="f2")) plotly.offline.plot( {"data": data, "layout": layout}, filename=name + "pareto" + ".html", auto_open=True,
[docs] def hypervolume(self, ref_point): """Calculate hypervolume. Uses package pygmo. Add checks to prevent errors. Parameters ---------- ref_point Returns ------- """ non_dom = self.non_dom if not isinstance(ref_point, (Sequence, np.ndarray)): num_obj = non_dom.shape[1] ref_point = [ref_point] * num_obj non_dom = non_dom[np.all(non_dom < ref_point, axis=1), :] hyp = hv(non_dom) self.hyp = hyp.compute(ref_point) return self.hyp
[docs] def non_dominated(self): """Fix this. check if nd2 and nds mean the same thing""" obj = self.objectives num_obj = obj.shape[1] if num_obj == 2: non_dom_front = nd2(obj) else: non_dom_front = nds(obj) if isinstance(non_dom_front, tuple): self.non_dom = self.objectives[non_dom_front[0][0]] elif isinstance(non_dom_front, np.ndarray): self.non_dom = self.objectives[non_dom_front] else: print("Non Dom error Line 285 in") return non_dom_front
[docs] def update_ideal_and_nadir(self, new_objective_vals: list = None): """Updates self.ideal and self.nadir in the fitness space. Uses the entire population if new_objective_vals is none. Parameters ---------- new_objective_vals : list, optional Objective values for a newly added individual (the default is None, which calculated the ideal and nadir for the entire population.) """ if new_objective_vals is None: check_ideal_with = else: check_ideal_with = new_objective_vals self.ideal_fitness = np.amin( np.vstack((self.ideal_fitness, check_ideal_with)), axis=0 ) self.worst_fitness = np.amax( np.vstack((self.worst_fitness, check_ideal_with)), axis=0