Source code for desdeo_emo.EAs.MOEAD

from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as s_cdist

from numpy.random import permutation
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
from desdeo_emo.EAs.BaseEA import BaseDecompositionEA
from desdeo_emo.population.Population import Population
from desdeo_problem import MOProblem

from desdeo_emo.selection import tournament_select
from desdeo_emo.selection.MOEAD_select import MOEAD_select
from desdeo_emo.recombination.BoundedPolynomialMutation import BP_mutation
from desdeo_emo.recombination.SimulatedBinaryCrossover import SBX_xover

from desdeo_tools.scalarization import MOEADSF
from desdeo_tools.scalarization.MOEADSF import Tchebycheff, PBI

[docs]class MOEA_D(BaseDecompositionEA): """Python implementation of MOEA/D .. Q. Zhang and H. Li, "MOEA/D: A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition," in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 712-731, Dec. 2007, doi: 10.1109/TEVC.2007.892759. Parameters ---------- problem: MOProblem The problem class object specifying the details of the problem. scalarization_function: MOEADSF The scalarization function to compare the solutions. Some implementations can be found in desdeo-tools/scalarization/MOEADSF. By default it uses the PBI function. n_neighbors: int, optional Number of reference vectors considered in the neighborhoods creation. The default number is 20. population_params: Dict, optional The parameters for the population class, by default None. See desdeo_emo.population.Population for more details. initial_population: Population, optional An initial population class, by default None. Use this if you want to set up a specific starting population, such as when the output of one EA is to be used as the input of another. lattice_resolution: int, optional The number of divisions along individual axes in the objective space to be used while creating the reference vector lattice by the simplex lattice design. By default None n_parents: int, optional Number of individuals considered for the generation of offspring solutions. The default option is 2. a_priori: bool, optional A bool variable defining whether a priori preference is to be used or not. By default False interact: bool, optional A bool variable defining whether interactive preference is to be used or not. By default False use_surrogates: bool, optional A bool variable defining whether surrogate problems are to be used or not. By default False n_iterations: int, optional The total number of iterations to be run, by default 10. This is not a hard limit and is only used for an internal counter. n_gen_per_iter: int, optional The total number of generations in an iteration to be run, by default 100. This is not a hard limit and is only used for an internal counter. total_function_evaluations: int, optional Set an upper limit to the total number of function evaluations. When set to zero, this argument is ignored and other termination criteria are used. """ def __init__( # parameters of the class self, problem: MOProblem, scalarization_function: MOEADSF = PBI(), n_neighbors: int = 20, population_params: Dict = None, initial_population: Population = None, lattice_resolution: int = None, use_repair: bool = True, n_parents: int = 2, a_priori: bool = False, interact: bool = False, use_surrogates: bool = False, n_iterations: int = 10, n_gen_per_iter: int = 100, total_function_evaluations: int = 0, ): super().__init__( # parameters for decomposition based approach problem=problem, population_size=None, population_params=population_params, initial_population=initial_population, lattice_resolution=lattice_resolution, a_priori=a_priori, interact=interact, use_surrogates=use_surrogates, n_iterations=n_iterations, n_gen_per_iter=n_gen_per_iter, total_function_evaluations=total_function_evaluations, ) self.population_size = self.reference_vectors.number_of_vectors self.problem = problem self.scalarization_function = scalarization_function self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors self.use_repair = use_repair self.n_parents = n_parents selection_operator = MOEAD_select( self.population, SF_type=self.scalarization_function ) self.selection_operator = selection_operator # Compute the distance between each pair of reference vectors distance_matrix_vectors = distance_matrix( self.reference_vectors.values_planar, self.reference_vectors.values_planar ) # Get the closest vectors to obtain the neighborhoods self.neighborhoods = np.argsort( distance_matrix_vectors, axis=1, kind="quicksort" )[:, :n_neighbors] self.population.update_ideal() self._ideal_point = self.population.ideal_fitness_val
[docs] def _next_gen(self): # For each individual from the population for i in range(self.population_size): # Consider only the individuals of the current neighborhood # for parent selection current_neighborhood = self.neighborhoods[i, :] selected_parents = current_neighborhood[permutation(self.n_neighbors)][ : self.n_parents ] # Apply genetic operators over two random individuals offspring = self.population.mate(selected_parents) offspring = offspring[0, :] # Repair the solution if it is needed if self.use_repair: offspring = # Evaluate the offspring using the objective function results_off = self.problem.evaluate(offspring, self.use_surrogates) offspring_fx =[0, :] self._function_evaluation_count += 1 # Update the ideal point self._ideal_point = np.min( np.vstack([self._ideal_point, offspring_fx]), axis=0 ) # Replace individuals with a worse SF value than the offspring selected = self._select(current_neighborhood, offspring_fx) self.population.replace(selected, offspring, results_off) self._current_gen_count += 1 self._gen_count_in_curr_iteration += 1
[docs] def _select(self, current_neighborhood, offspring_fx) -> list: return self.population, self.reference_vectors, self._ideal_point, current_neighborhood, offspring_fx,